Why am I flooding the dashboard?

Anyone logged into tumblr following me may possible be getting flooded by posts by me from 2-3 years ago.

I apologize for this. I’m not deliberately being annoying! I’m simply copying posts from my previous blogging site on to this blog, since I stopped using that one. 

“Whyyy is she doing this?” you may ask. Well, I like some of those posts and I like having a back-up in case something happens to the old website. Secondly, I’m currently between two job interviews and I can’t stop thinking about them.

The first job interview floods my head with thoughts like, “Could I have done anything better?” “Was the fact it took somewhere around two hours a good sign?” “Did I get my point across?” “Did I come across as too nice and friendly and mild-mannered?” etc. I won’t hear back from them for at least about a week. Ugh. I don’t even want to listen to my head concerning the second job interview. So to avoid going insane meanwhile, I have decided to direct my energies elsewhere to a non-job-related source: my blog.

Anyway, hopefully anyone following my RSS feed won’t get bombarded as badly, since most posts are from 2-3 years ago… And if they do, I apologize for the inconvenience. Don’t worry, it’ll be over soon enough.

Edit: Ok, that’s enough for now. I’m still missing posts from the old blog from between August 2006 to Easter 2007. Uploading’s a little slow because most of the video links are broken and the images are broken. So Being the perfectionist I am, I feel I have to fix all links I possibly can.

I’ve skipped a few entries that are rants about how some function or another is broken in that blogging service, since, well… Who cares if something doesn’t work on a blogging service that no longer even exists?? :) I’m on tumblr now and it works great. So there!


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