Packing progress and Iron Man

Today, I guiltily abandoned my visitor and focused on packing my clothes.

I have a friend visiting for a total of ten days. He’s a veteran traveler to Finland - this must be his fifth or sixth time so far. He probably knows Helsinki better than I do now. This does not make me feel any less bad about ditching him in order to stuff old McDonald’s french fry boxes full of clothes.

You see, I’m moving next month, and I know from experience that if I leave it for the last minute, I’ll just fling shit into boxes in a frenzied panic and forget most of the important things, such as underwear.

I managed to get five boxes packed.

  1. Underwear, socks, tights, hats, and gloves

  2. Winter pull-overs and turtlenecks

  3. Skirts and a couple pair of pants (trousers for you Englishmen)

  4. T-shirts and tops

  5. Bikinis, cardigans, and more shirts.

Does it seem like a dreadful amount of clothing?

My mother assures me that it will fit into the car, but I’m wondering about what happens when the bread machine, pc, art supplies, and a box of books is added to the equation? And what about the yarn and cds? Oh dear oh dear.

Yes, I shall try to limit myself to only one box of books, but I know it’s going to be damn hard and I’m afraid that book-deprivation will make me buy even more books… causing me even more problems fitting them into my already stuffed bookshelves.

From one subject to another, my visitor and I watched Iron Man together… and I admit that I actually enjoyed it, but it wasn’t ground-shattering for me in any way.
The cgi effects were not eye-stabbingly bad at all, and I found myself enjoying the performance of all the actors (and actresses). The protagonist was refreshingly different from your average superhero. However, the design and film didn’t fully make sense - much was done just for the sake of coolness. But it’s based on a comic book, so why should it even need to make sense?
I found myself grinning at the technobabble - it made me miss certain Star Trek: TNG episodes. I found myself chortling at some scenes - especially the helper-robot on fire hazard duty (which amazingly was cute but not too annoying or slapstick.)
I give it a very nice, round 3½ stars (out of 5) as a film, but a high 4 (out of 5) compared to movies in its own genre.


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