Israel - Exploring Akko
The sun caught me by surprise today. The heat was no more extreme than yesterday at the beach, but I didn’t lather up with sun lotion today as I visited Acre (or Akko as they call it in Hebrew and Arabic). Akko is one of the cities the Templar Knights liked to chill out in, so it sports some fancy ruins relating to them. Apparently the Turks booted them out of the city or somesuch so you also have some fine Turkish influences, such as the Turkish Bathhouse. I only visited the Templar Knights’ escape tunnel, the harbor (which was grand in Ye Olde Days but mostly just for fishermen these days), the market, and the Turkish bathing house.
The architecture is very different from Nahariyya where I am currently staying. The very middle eastern architecture reminds me of a No One Lives Forever level. Narrow alleyways, bustling market overflowing with fish, spices, fruit, and little trinkets.
The Templar Tunnels were low and rounded. Being medium-short, I enjoyed not having to walk too hunched over, but at times it was so low that even I had to bend. Water trickled down along the bottom and every now and then I was exposed to some very non-templar waterpumps.
Outside, some locals attempted to cajole a stubborn dromedar camel into going where they wanted.
Tomorrow, we’re traveling to some little summer cabins. There’s a jacuzzi! I haven’t been in one of those since I was 17 or so!
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