Failed Cinnamon Buns

I tried to make myself some cinnamon buns to cheer myself up, but it went horribly wrong.
First of all, I bought some kosher flour to make sure that the flour wouldn’t have any yeast in it. It’s not so easy to get non-self-raising flour when all the labels are in Hebrew only.
This strange flour had the consistency of SUGAR. This means my dough was very crumbly and fell apart as soon as you tried to lift it up. It was very dense and heavy.
It also didn’t rise at all.
However, this might all be due to the fact that what I thought was sugar was in fact salt.

I can’t even make cinnamon buns right in this country.
Shame I just wasted all the ingredients on this failed batch.

I didn’t realize it wasn’t going to work until I tried to taste a little bit from the very final stage, when I form the dough into the bun-shapes.
Poor Eyal has gone off to hunt for a non-stop to see if they sell any flour, butter, and milk…


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