Avast ye, scurvy scum! (Videos)

Arrrr! To properly celebrate the talk like a pirate day, I be sharin’ with ye these links.

That thar first video be mostly practical, but the rest be mostly me favorite sea shanties.

Talk like a Pirate

A Professional Pirate (Muppet Treasure Island)

This be a classic! Ye’re best off watchin’ the whole bloody film, fer it be full of piratey goodness like Shiver My Timbers and Cabin Fever.

I Am A Pirate King (Pirates of Penzance)

I’ve not watched the musical but I be lovin’ some of the music. It be tight-stockinged musical pirate madness. See With Cat-Like Tread for more swash-buckliness.

The Last Saskatchewan Pirate

A pirate I was meant to be (Curse of Monkey Island)

Have ye got any favorites I’ve left out?


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