Block Print tutorial

Link: Block Print tutorial

Printmaking is my passion. And yet, beyond the world of maybe using a stencil or printing with potatoes in kindergarten, most people never even stop to consider doing it.

But I love it. Linoprints (or “block printing”), screenprinting (or serigraphy or silkscreen), etching, drypoint, … I love it all! But do you have any idea how hard it is to find a good book or instructions on how to do this stuff? Try to ask for printmaking books in a bookshop and they’ll look at you as if you asked for some obscure form of porno! (“Do you have any giraffes dressed up as schoolgirls?”) If you’re lucky, they might have something on Japanese silkscreen, but that’s as far as it goes.

And that’s why I love tutorials like this. Really clean, simple, and introduces the subject on a level that absolutely anyone can follow!

“… Relief printing [wood block, linoleum block] is a type of printmaking that doesn’t require too much stuff you don’t already have, and the things you don’t have are inexpensive and can generally be picked up at your local craft store! You can even block print in your kitchen! You don’t even need a press!”

Yeah! So head on over to LizzyHouse and see the fantastic (and stylish) tutorial she’s made. You can download it or print it out in pdf format. See also her FAQ on block printing.

Block Print tutorial

Via whip up


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