I must be going senile.

I just spent half an hour composing an entry that I already wrote two weeks ago. And now I only have half an hour before I’m off to see my first Jewish wedding.

I jumped onto the chrome-wagon and am currently using google’s new browser. Being very satisfied with Firefox, I was sceptical to try it, but some cool-looking graphs showing all sorts of statistics that I know nothing about convinced me to try this.
Unfortunately, it seems to be kind of buggy so far, but I suppose that’s to be expected with a beta browser. At least while writing entries on tumblr, it gobbles up the first characters of every row and does not update properly when I delete something. But pushing the preview button shows everything to be in order, so I suppose that’s all that matters.

I very much dig the stylish, minimalist appearance of the browser. It doesn’t waste space with bars and crap that I have no use for. For example, the “status” bar at the bottom of the page is gone, but an inconspicuous box pops up whenever a page is loading to let me know that something is still going on. In addition, the default homepage records the websites I visit the most so that I can easily access them with one click of the mouse. Unfortunately, my screenshot doesn’t do it any justice, as I haven’t visited a large amount of websites with it yet.


Google’s chrome seems to have let go entirely of the drab grey color introduced so long ago by Windows (over a decade ago), and it does seem to load pages very fast without freezing in the middle to think about things.

Unfortunately, I haven’t used it very much so far, but except for the problem with letters not displaying properly, I am liking it so far. I look forward to seeing where it leads, and what sort of plug-ins will or will not be made available. I don’t like the idea of living without things like foxymarks, so I’m not ready to make the jump anytime soon, even despite the presumable increase in performance.

On a completely different note, the Israeli radio keeps spamming two songs in particular currently. The more frequent one, the Israeli Pop Idol winner, is far from my liking. The second one, I am ashamed to say, I find myself thoroughly enjoying despite the naive, simplistic lyrics. So here, in case YOUR country hasn’t started spamming it yet, I give to you Noah and the Whale, Five Years Time. Damn it’s catchy.


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