The funky signs from the Haifa Educational Zoo.

From top to bottom, left to right:

  1. The logo of the zoo. “The Educational Zoo of Haifa”

  2. The worn-down signs of the Reptile House. I thought there was a certain “Indiana Jones” feel to it.
    Snakes. Why’d it have to be snakes?

  3. The plx not to litter sign. “Please keep clean. Throw rubbish in bin.” I really love the trash-monster animal. What the heck is it? A bear? It sure seems to be tickled by proper disposal of trash though.

  4. Flamingo. Each of the animal types had their own colored, stylized sign. Even though I can’t understand the squiggly text at the bottom, the pictures were self-explanatory.

  5. “Please keep it clean”. They gave the trashcan a little eye! Nom nom. Looks a little like R2-D2! (Speaking of which, here’s an overpriced R2-D2 trashcan, sold out unfortunately. [link])


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