I feel like an adult

Dear Diary,

I got my own business card today. *adopts as snobby a pose as possible*

It’s got a shiny logo on one side and my two titles on the other. *sniffs* And apparently I’m now a studio technician and graphic designer. I’m so cool.

Seriously though, my boss just walked in and put the box o’ cards down in front of my nose and I looked at it and I was like “huuuh?” and then this stupid grin formed on my face and then I was like “whaaaa?” and then I skipped past the “omigod” phase and went right on to “YAAAAAAAAAY!”

And then I got a lift home from my mommy like a good little girl.. and we went to the driving school and I asked about a course and then they told me that one is starting in 15 minutes in another place which is 8 minutes away and I was like “YAAAY!” and ran there too.

K. Now I have to go eat. BYE BYE!


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