University Applications

It is done! I have finally applied to all the universities that I was going to this year. Now I just have to wait until next week to find out if I passed through Phase I of one of them… and made it on to the interviews or not. 

To be honest, I expect not to have passed. 
Right now, I’m torn between wanting to get in and wanting to go study abroad. Here it would be relatively close to home, I’d just be studying for 2 years, and they both have good reputations within the country. Abroad, … who knows what would happen, although in England it’d presumably also be 1-2 years. I’m looking at this University in Hungary… 5 years. But that also includes the BA. However, if I went off and got a Master’s in something totally random.. say.. textiles, I’d probably have to do the full 5 years to qualify anyway. 

Since I have a lovely friend in Hungary, I might be able to survive all five years. It might not be as strenuous as 3 years in England. On the other hand, if things went afoul… and I for some reason hadn’t managed to connect with the locals… it would be a suck-tacular time indeed. Do I really want to “waste” three years doing BA-time for a degree I already have before I work my way up to MA-ness? Don’t know, don’t know. Right now, I’d say HELL YEAH. But because the Uni here in Finland has such a good reputation, I’m going to go all in and hope for the best. 
Finally, there is one main problem with studying in Hungary - I would probably have to study IN Hungarian. If it’s anything like the Uni my friend is studying at, even if they do teach in English, their language skills will mostly be Pretty Crappy. 

When have I ever backed away from the challenge of going abroad? 
… plenty of times… to be honest. But not lately. YARR! 

Hoping I get in. If I do, it’ll have been an absolutely phenomenal year of good karma versus bad odds. If I don’t.. well. It won’t be a surprise. Despite my usual pessimistic self, I still find myself really hoping I can do it. 
After all, if I do get in and survive the 2 years, then I can go anywhere after that, even Hungary. 

Woo. What a twitchy post. Can you tell I’m nervous? My fingers are trembling. Now I have to try to sleep so I can get up bright and early to hand in my Portfolio. I somehow don’t think the sleeping part is going to happen.


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