New toys
Whee! My mother gave me two new toys. You know, usually peoples’ mothers buy them a new pair of socks or some household appliance.. Or something. That’s what I would imagine anyway.
But mine, the lovely lovely lovely person, knows exactly what I want… and.. she.. got me…. a black and white laser printer! YAY! Now I can actually print text without having to run to the other end of the house and hoping my dad’s laptop is there…. and I don’t have to worry about running out of ink, like with that crappy other printer stowed away in the cellar! And.. *drumroll, please* a 320 gb external harddrive!
How cool is that? I don’t know how I’m going to fill the space I have. The pc has a 200 gb drive of its own .. . and now add 320 more. That’s like… half of 1000 gb!
On the other hand, I remember when we got our first 400 mb hard drive and wondering how that could ever possibly get filled. Now you can’t even install a game on that.
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