Etching ink and printers

Paint jar
Unnaturally tidy photo of ink can stolen from here.

The smell of etching ink wafts up from my hands, even to my clogged nose. It is a lovely scent - one I’ve missed all summer. It makes my hands feel so soft, smooth, inky… but makes them look like cocoa-picker’s hands.

Hands grabbed from here.

I was going to dress up slightly today, wear a skirt, a long brown knitted thing with one button in front, etc, but then I realized I couldn’t. Too much ink all around! So instead I wore my nice black velvet pants which seem to be falling apart in all the wrong places and what might once upon a time have been identifiable as a Tommy Hilfiger pullover, but which looks better than any other Postapocalyptic clothing I’ve ever seen! Then there’s my ultra-comfy green shoes, which people jokingly asked if they were new on the first day I wore them. I told them “yes” and they were shocked. Hum. I think I was mildly insulted. But that was a year ago now. :S

The sneaky bastards at Uni have disabled Java. Or actually, they’ve uninstalled it and not given me the privileges to use it. So I can no longer use icq2go. In addition, they’ve got some sort of sneaky blocking things going on so I can’t get online with Miranda. I guess they’ve got some nice ports blocked off or something or then fiddled with the proxy somehow, but the main thing is - I can’t get online! WARGH!!!! Does any l33t h@xx0r out there have any idea how to find out what ports I could set the program to use or what proxy settings I need to have? No, I don’t have access to the admin password or login :P

To get revenge, I’ve decided to PRINT USING THE LIBRARY COMPUTERS! YAHAHAHAHAHAA… Free of charge. It’s meant to be some 5p for a b&w page and 14 for a color one, but they haven’t figured out how to do that yet, I guess. Therefore, no printers are installed in the Print option, but if you’re smart enough, you can easily figure out how to install and access practically any printer! YAHAHHAHA. I’ve linked myself to the color printer already. I plan to scan art books and print out the stuff instead of spending a ghastly 75p for making color photocopies or 5p for making pathetic grey blobs that lack all the interesting bits of color. REVENGE WILL BE MINE! Please let there be no one spying on me who will foil my cunning plan.. : | It would be too depressing.

And finally, I’ve ordered the internet. Unfortunately, for some ENTIRELY STUPID REASON, I needed the internet to order the internet from wanadoo. When I rang them up, they had a message saying they were unaware of any technical difficulties and that if I was experiencing any individual problem, would I please ring this number and pay 50p per minute. AS IF A STUDENT’S GOING TO PAY TO REGISTER! HA! No no no no.
So, instead I tried to text a friend and find out if he, who had internet access, could tell me if they had any other phone number I could try (which hopefully didn’t cost 50p/min). Of course, my phone chose that very moment to lose the ability to send text messages. I ended up setting up my account long-distance through my brother who sat at the computer with the phone at home in Finland. Tremendously stupid, really. Does this mean that you need the internet to get the internet, except if the ISP is having technical difficulties? AHHHH. I am not impressed. But it’s 1 mb and rather cheap!

Oh, I forgot my blog entries at home again. Ninja films, kids, and Diablo. Yes, those were the three topics - Diablo being so mysterious that I forgot what it was until now! I shall quit my daily rant and be back sometime later.

Will be back properly online within 9 days! YESS!


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