Well, here goes nothing...
Mood: Zombified
I’ve tried this before, you know. I’ve written in diaries, journals… Whatever you call them. I never finish them. I lose the keys, too… but they’re so easy to lockpick with a slightly bendy paperclip so it never really matters in the end whether I have the key or not.
I read through those entries and feel guilty for giving it up. I read through them and smile for what I’ve written in them and forgotten about. And then I wonder why I never continued… or I sit there and realize why I stopped, what came up, what choked the flow.
It’s somewhere around 3:00 right now. 3 am. Probably far from the best time in the world to be writing a blog or starting anything new, but I decided to try it again while the urge was still there. I will be back tomorrow, I promise. Anyone out there watching? Listening? I apologize for the cake recipe, but it was just an excerpt from my diary entry yesterday in Elftown (that meatmarket for 13-year olds). Perhaps someone out there might stumble upon it and try it out. Still, it served its purpose for me. I got to test the layout a bit .. fiddle with it some until I got it looking prettier. Still going to have to customize it some more, but as it is, I can barely remember to Alt-S in ICQ. Strange that my fingers can still find the right keys…
Right, enough rambling for now or I’ll just sit here drooling for an hour or two while I take a moment to blink.
Hello, I’ll be back, Over and Out,
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