Dreams: Yarn-conning and Mexican food

Mood: A wee bit frightened  Playing: Terry S. Tailor - Little Bonus Room

A strange dream that flowed into itself.
Was with mother at some family friend’s house. They held a giant party where they expected everyone to sleep over.
Great big, beautiful mansion, suspiciously similar to the biggest, oldest house I’ve ever lived in.
Light, alive, full of children of all ages, running in flocks, and then the slower, more serious parents.
Somehow I lost my food. Got up to get a drink and the waiter cleared away my plate. And then there was no more food to be had.
Mother got some, though.

And then I was in the US, working as an undercover agent for someone or other. No, not like that, you pervert.
Apparently someone was selling low-quality fuzzy yarn for high prices, pretending that it was some brand it was not.
I infiltrated their shop and began to examine the wares, even purchasing two samples to be brought back - I remember they were an orangey-red ball of yarn and a moss green one - with the excuse that I’d make a hat.

Then someone caught me and forced me to buy Mexican food for one of their underlings. He seemed amused when I asked him “What do you want?”


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